Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

As you may have guessed, Oliver and I are trifle too cynical to buy into this holiday too much, although we do appreciate the opportunity it presents for designing a ton of cool stuff. After a hectic few weeks, Oliver and I are planning to spend this Valentine's Day hanging out together trying to lift one another's spirits from the dark gloom and doom of winter that's getting a little tiresome. I've also promised to tackle my ever-growing piles of papers, mail, magazines and other crap that seem to pile up in the blink of an eye and perhaps squeeze in a little baking. If anything comes out looking extra yummers, I'll be sure to share pictures. In the meantime, I leave you with a little Post-It greeting Oliver left for me on Valentine's Day a few years ago. He has a penchant for drawing adorable little robots, and Post-Its played a big role during our courtship, way back in 2002, so this brings back all kinds of fond memories. Plus, it's so flippin' cute!



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