Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New York: The unhappiest state in the Union

I was going to wait until after the holidays to comment on the New York Times' article about we New Yorkers being, as Clyde Haberman put it, "the sad sacks of the United States." But why wait? Nothing like ringing in the New Year with a little positivity (wink). "Sure, we complain a lot," Haberman goes on to say, and "grumbling could quality as the official state sport. But are we really the unhappiest of them all?" As it turns out, we are, according to this study.

But I wonder if we really are. I mean, we city dwellers do love to complain, don't we? I sure do! Por ejemplo: the subway system is getting less convenient and more smelly. We consistently pay more for everything; crushing taxes, overpriced groceries at crappy supermarkets, outrageous rent. Street parking is nearly impossible and paying for a monthly garage spot could require a second mortgage. Most of us squeeze into tiny apartments where every piece of furniture must serve several purposes. If your bed doesn't turn into your sofa, your dining table and a bookcase, its just taking up precious space. And don't even get me started on outdoor space! Some of us want so badly to have a little sliver of the outside to call our own, that we get excited about our FIRE ESCAPES. Now, that's just sad. See the lovely "terrace" below:

Photo courtesy 66 Square Feet

At the same time, if you've never had to unplug your toaster so you can pull your rolling cart out of your kitchen, so you can open your oven door, you just don't know what you're missing! Between us, Oliver and I have lived in close to 20 towns and cities in three countries, so I think it's safe to say we have a handle on what its like to live in other places, as compared with New York. This is, by far, one of the most challenging places to live. However, this is also one of the most interesting, making it a tough place to leave once you've gotten your footing. New York is teeming with fascinating, ambitious, hilarious, talented people. The access to art (be it high, low or something completely uncategorizable) is unmatched in this country. The rich history is woven into our daily lives in the form of grand, stunning architecture and impressive engineering feats. The leafy parks keep so many of us from going insane. The food is, in a word, delicious. And you can get ANYTHING delivered, from groceries to laundry to liquor.

While we have a lot to complain about, we also have a lot to love. And why are so many of us still living here if it's so awful? It's a big place, so while there are many sad sacks, there are also many people who are actually pretty happy with their lives here. Something tells me many of those people have weekend homes in the country. I'm just sayin'. And speaking of the country, this was a study of states, so I wonder what makes upstate New Yorkers so mad.

Of course, New York City isn't for everyone –and for good reasons. We don't know if we'll be here forever and ever, but for now, it's the right place, so instead of focusing on all the things that annoy me about the city (winter), I should try and remember what I love about it and not be such a Negative Nellie. The occasional trip to Rio or the Caribbean would really help, though.

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