Photographer unknown - if you know, tell me!
Did you catch the Enya reference? Did I take you straight back to the '90s?
It's 105 degrees in New York, so today I'm sending my obsession with compact spaces out to sea – we're talking boats, friends. My interest in transportation design goes deep. I explored the depths of this arena while doing research for my master's thesis, which was a tour bus modified to cart around a six-person cast and crew who would theoretically live and perform in the bus, which transformed for the different uses. I coined it StageCoach: A Mobile Live/Work Performance Space. Clever, right? I think I'm the only one patting myself on the back here.
I'll write about magic buses another day. Today I'm all about boats. In my limited experience (ie: an afternoon of scanning the interwebs for images and yacht design theories), it seems boat interior designers often take most of their queues from cookie-cutter suburban homes with over-stuffed furniture:
Or they create fairly unremarkable interiors that hit you in the face with their over-the-top boaty-ness. We get it, you're a boat...mahogany...solid navy blue...on a boat...daring!
I'm more jazzed about the ones that really make a splash, if you will. The ones that discard pre-conceived notions of what a boat interior usually looks like and come up with something unique and fresh. When layered with various textures and unexpected elements (butterfly chair residential table lamp), the navy-and-wood palette actually works beautifully:
Oculus Yacht by Schopfer Yachts
Lovely houseboat kitchen
Via Design Shimmer
Not surprisingly in this world of celebrities crossing over into other fields (Kate Spade designing tabletop, Lenny Kravitz, the decorator, etc.)....some of the most well-known architects have taken a stab at boat design.
Foster + Partners' Ocean Emerald:
The bathroom layout, with that cramped toilet situation, is a little odd, but we'll let it slide because the finishes are nice.
Never one to miss an opportunity, Phillippe Starck has designed a few yachts. Some images of Yacht A, which cost more than $300 million:
UK-based interior designer John Pawson was commissioned to put his luxurious minimalism stamp on a client's sailboat:
Images courtesy Elle Decor
An finally, while Christian Louboutin didn't necessarily design and outfit his boat himself, he has an exquisite houseboat in Egypt:
Photos by Francoise Halard, via Habitually Chic
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